Welcome to the bigger picture of what art can be. One magazine at a time.

EE -Experimental and Emerging Art- documents important contributions to all what art can be. The works and tendencies we present are major additions to the field of emerging aesthetics. EE focuses on experimental art projects – the stuff that somehow stretches and challenges established notions of what art is. We believe the field of art is -and should be- in a constant flux, challenging the otherwise market and cash driven understanding of art. If innovation always comes from the periphery, then EE will also move at the rim of aesthetics. We also defend our right to sometimes fall into its core. And at other times out of it.
EE’s format is multiple; part magazine, newszine, part website and it spans across several media formats. While the printed issue is for sale, EE is also freely downloadable online at eejournal.no as a PDF based magazine. Often EE articles are more visual than textual, but online you will find additional background material such as texts, original sound files, video, photos and other Zeitgeist documents to our coverage.
EE is In Medias Res and we believe our magazine to be a necessary publication both to be informed about and document a field in constant and rapid change. EE endorses these fluctuations in thinking & doing and see them as essential components of the experimental and expanding field of art. One of EE’s main purposes is to support the interesting, the subversive, the abject, the striking but also intriguing, wondrous and the beautiful in the ongoing human project of making art. Whatever art might be or become.
Oslo, April 2018
Stahl Stenslie: editor-in-chief
Zane Cerpina: editor, manager
Contact: cerpina.zane@gmail.com
EE is an independent art magazine. EE ISSUE 1,2 was supported and financed by
PNEK - Production Network for Electronic Art, Norway. EE #3 : Dangerous art is financed and published by TEKS, Trondheim Electronic Art Centre.