Parhelia by Amund Ulvestad @ANX
'Parhelia' by Amund Ulvestad (NO)
'Parhelia' is an optical phenomenon which occurs under very cold conditions. Sunlight reflected by ice crystals can make colourful light spots appear on both sides of the sun, giving the impression of multiple suns appearing across the skyline. Ulvestad’s installation engages in a similar type of doubling by capturing the sound from a software controlled cymbal with ten directional microphones. By capturing soundwaves from several different directions at once and playing back the sound in real-time ‘Parhelia’ allows for a multi-layered and complex soundscape based on multiple listening positions in the same room.
The installation was exhibited at ANX in Oslo, Norway from 04.03 – 20.03.16
Read more about the event here.
ANX is Atelier Nord’s production and exhibition space since 2011. ANX enables us to present a continually evolving programme of exhibitions, screenings, self-produced projects and collaborations with national and international artists, institutions and galleries.