PNEK Art Prize
The 4th edition of “The Winter Solstice” was held in the December 2015. The program included an exhibition, performances and concerts lasting until sun rose. After 4 years of collaboration, PNEK and Vandaler Forening finally launched “From Dusk till Dawn PNEK Art Prize” which aims to support and encourage experimental and time-based practices that take on the challenge to keep us awake and focused till sunrise, stretching the darkness of the longest night of the year into a state of dream, utopia and poetry.
Vandaler Forening organises, conducts and facilitates art events with a special focus on experimental, time-based, collaborative and collective practices in relation to landscapes and public space.
Ill: the winner of “From Dusk Till Dawn Art Prize”
According to artists, ILL an audiovisual and anti-fascist noise project that started in 2013 in Oslo. While desperately seeking to balance real-time graphics with analog and digital audio, ILL simultaneously aims to challenge the perception of their own bodies and their submission to structures of authority (material, social, spiritual). ILL consists of Markus Dvergastein: baritone guitar, Bjørnar Steinnes Luteberget: real-time digital audio synthesis, Øyvind Mellbye: DIY electronics and audio effects and Tom Nærland: real-time generative graphics.